Vi er så heldige å ha fått fantastiske Kathy Haridev Latham til Be Yoga Studio <3
Om du ikke har prøvd ut Kundalini Yoga før, anbefaler vi å prøve ut med Kathy. Om du har prøvd Kundalini Yoga før, kan vi gi deg litt mer info om Kathy og hvorfor du bør prøve ut klasser med henne ;)

Kathy Haridev Latham is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, Sat Nam Rasayan practitioner and a Kundalini Teacher Trainer of Teachers and Yoga Therapists.
She teaches with warmth, clarity and joy, holding a subtle and transformative space.
Yoga has helped Kathy immensely and she teaches in order to share these benefits with others. She has the experience of teaching many different kinds of people and takes care to create a welcoming and inclusive yoga space. Her background in Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality of Kundalini Yoga, provides a sensitivity and precision to her teaching.
Haridev is originally from New York City, where she taught at Golden Bridge Yoga, and then became a founding teacher at JOY Yoga in London. Kathy is also an IAYT-certified yoga therapist, and is faculty on the Sacred Yoga Therapy Training. She is also part of the Teacher Training Team at Northern Light Yoga. Haridev is an experienced gong player and further qualifications include Prenatal Yoga, YOGA for Youth and Relax and Renew Restorative Yoga.
Q & A with Kathy ;
Can you tell us about your first meeting with Yoga? I found yoga during a stressful time in university. I did an online Hatha Yoga video that was shared by two Australian teachers for free. Afterwards, I was amazed at how much better I felt. I also had a big sense of accomplishment. It was empowering to find something I could do to take my well-being into my own hands.
What inspires you as a yoga teacher? My biggest inspiration is my Sadhana: my personal practice. This helps me to grow and stay aware and connected. I’m grateful to have had and continue to have wonderful teachers. They inspire me to excel. Lastly, it is yoga students who inspire me: they show up, do the work and trust in the process.
What do you wish to share with Yoga? I share yoga to help people feel better and connect to their inner power, wisdom and peace.
Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training (200 hours) 2013.
Y.O.G.A. for Youth Training 2014.
Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga 2015.
Kundalini Medicine/ Sacred Yoga Therapy Training (500 hours) 2016.
Prema Yoga Therapeutics Foundations 2017.
Relax and Renew Restorative Yoga 2017.
Sat Nam Rasayan Level III (ENT) 2019.
Kundalini Yoga Level Two Teacher Training (300 hours) 2020.
You are welcome to Kundalini practice and Gong Bath every Tuesday 19:30-20:45
Classes with Kathy take place in English, but she understand Norwegian.